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Spanish 2B:  Unit 5 - Desafío 1

>>Yo puedo describir las partes del cuerpo.

>>I can describe body parts.


Unidad 5 - ESPAÑA --- (p. 236-287)---

VIDEO - Animated History of Spain (9:21) - 

VIDEO - Let's Go Geography - Spain (2:36) -

VIDEO - Geography in Spain -


Desafío 1 - Partes del cuerpo  

VOCAB - SP2-U5-D1 - Partes del cuerpo -  


FUN FACT - "Codo" -


VIDEO - Sr. Jordan - El Cuerpo  (parte 1) -

VIDEO - Sr. Jordan - El Cuerpo  (parte 2) -
























GRAMMAR - El participio


For regular -AR verbs...  add -ADO, -ADA, -ADOS, -ADAS

Ex. - La puerta está cerrada.

Ex. - Las paredes están pintadas.


For regular -ER/-IR verbs...  add -IDO, -IDA, -IDOS, -IDAS

Ex. - Es pan comido. 

Ex. - La niña está vestida para escuela.


*** Note:  Watch out for irregulars!

Ex. - Una carta escrita.


 QUIZLET - SP2-U5-D1 - Los participios -


WATCH these 4 short videos to help you learn about Past Participles in Spanish.


VIDEO - 10 Steps to use the Past Participle (1:33) -

VIDEO - How to form Past Participles (4:35) -

VIDEO - Past Participles as adjectives - (5:15) -

VIDEO - Extension of Past Participle (3:49) -

SONG - Irregular Participles -​


LIBRO - "¡Pelo Malo No Existe!"
VIDEO of the AUTHOR reading the book (4:11) -





















COMPUTER LAB - Sp2-u5-d1 - Past Participles As Adjectives



Quiz on Friday - March 19th





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